This post is in the category: Scripts
Short scripts - usually bash or something else Linux-y
I needed a way to test if I have a passwordless way to authenticate to another SSH system. This script is written in expect and basically attempts to ssh into the specified host. It assumes the user prompt will contain user@host
I should also note that I wrote this with the intention of using it as a Nagios plugin for ssh checks. That is why it exists with the code of 2 (critical) or 3 (unknown) when there are problems.
#!/usr/bin/expect if {[llength $argv] != 2} { puts "usage: ssh_test.exp user host" exit 3 } log_user 0 set user [lindex $argv 0] set host [lindex $argv 1] spawn ssh $user@$host expect { "$user@$host" { send "date > ~/.ssh_test\n" sleep 0.25 send "exit\n" puts "SSH test completed." exit 0 } "Password:" { send \003 puts "Password prompt detected. Check SSH keys." exit 2 } "Could not resolve hostname" { puts "Could not resolve hostname." exit 2 } "No route to host" { puts "No route to host." exit 2 } "ECDSA key fingerprint" { send "no\n" puts "Remote machine not in known_hosts file." exit 2 } } puts "Unknown response." exit 3 |