Author Archives: Andrew Wells

About Andrew Wells

I have been developing on the LAMP stack since about 2006. I run Ubuntu XFCE on my desktop and have a history of managing Ubuntu and CentOS servers. I code web applications mostly in PHP but have experience with other languages as well. When I'm not working, I can be found working in my home lab or out snowboarding, hiking, camping, or biking depending on the season.

Ubuntu 12.04 – LTSP Server

The Linux Terminal Server Project is a great way to give old machines new life. LTSP (usually) consists of a single server that network boots several clients. These clients run the OS and most applications off this main server, so your client machines can be old hardware, thin clients, etc. Setting it up is pretty easy and only takes a couple steps beyond the initial operating system installation.

This guide assumes some existing knowledge of Ubuntu 12.04, network interface configuration, dnsmasq, and PXE.

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